Alle teruggaves van de belasting voor de betreffende jaren erden gebruikten om verhuiskosten van mevr Fukunishi te betalen (2010 en 2011) en deze van 2012 werd gelijk verdeeld (hoewel zij noch had gewerkt noch had bijgedragen aan lening etc...)
All refunds of tax for the relevant years erden used to pay moving expenses of Mrs. Fukunishi (2010 and 2011) and this from 2012 was divided equally (though they neither had worked nor had contributed to loan etc. ..)
All reimbursements of tax for the years ere used to pay for removal of Ms. Fukunishi (2010 and 2011) and that of 2012 was divided equally (although they neither worked nor had contributed to loan etc ...)
All teruggaves of the tax for the relevant years erden used to pay expenses of ms Fukunishi (2010 and 2011) and this of 2012 was distributed (although they had not worked nor had contributed to loan etc. ..)