Against his better judgment remains plaintiff attempt to distort the facts, by among other things: the content of laying the notarial deed has completely ignored, to keep it from the correspondence of the notary would look back parties on 24mei 2014 (?) liquidation distribution would have provided if a surcharge of € 80,000 terwiji notary just say the opposite and never even drawn up a draft of liquidation and division in which a surcharge of € 80,000 was mentioned, claiming that concluant states that there is never a bearing was agreed terwiji concluant has always said that the agreed surcharge of € 20,500 for the signing of the deed was paid, so they did not have to be reported to now refer to her e-mail traffic with the notary and a half years after the signing of the notarial deed to there trying to infer that there has been increasing discussion would Zijin on the amount of the support.