Ajax is dan ook niet de enige club met interesse in Vermijl. Anderlecht, Racing Genk en enkele Premier League-clubs volgen de Belg ook op de voet, vertelt zaakwaarnemer Tony Dullers in Het Nieuwsblad.
Ajax is not the only club interested in Vermijl. Anderlecht, Racing Genk and some Premier League clubs also closely follow the Belgian, tells agent Tony Demo in Het nieuwsblad.
Ajax is not the only club interested in Vermijl. Anderlecht, Racing Genk and several Premier League clubs as the Belgians too closely, says agent Tony Dullers in the Newspaper.
Ajax is not the only club interested in Vermijl. Anderlecht, Racing Genk and some Premier League clubs follow the Belgian also on the foot, says representative Tony Dullers in the parc newssheet.