Waar men bij La Gazzetta Dello Sport melding maakt van een mogelijk akkoord tussen Ajax en Internazionale over Ajax-buitenspeler Anwar El Ghazi, wordt dit door directeur spelersbeleid Marc Overmars van de Amsterdamse club tegengesproken.
Where one at La Gazzetta Dello Sport reporting a possible agreement between Ajax and Internazionale on Ajax-outside player Anwar El Ghazi, Director policy players Marc Overmars of the Amsterdam club.
Where La Gazzetta Dello Sport reports a possible agreement between Ajax and Internazionale over Ajax winger Anwar El Ghazi, this is contradicted by director Marc Overmars policy players of the club.
in la gazzetta dello sport where it mentions a possible agreement between ajax and internazionale on ajax outfielder anwar el ghazi, the director of the amsterdam club spelersbeleid marc overmars contradicted.