Akkerman was lid van achtereenvolgens[1] het Friendship Sextet, Johnny翻訳 - Akkerman was lid van achtereenvolgens[1] het Friendship Sextet, Johnny英語言う方法

Akkerman was lid van achtereenvolge

Akkerman was lid van achtereenvolgens[1] het Friendship Sextet, Johnny and his Cellar Rockers, ZZ en de Maskers, The Hunters (hit: Russian Spy and I) en Brainbox. Eind 1970 voegde hij zich bij het Thijs van Leer Trio. De formatie ging verder onder de naam Focus en scoorde in de jaren zeventig enkele wereldhits. In 1976 verliet Akkerman de band en ging solo verder. Een reünie met Thijs van Leer in 1985 bleek geen succes. Akkerman leverde de ene plaat na de andere af en was daarnaast actief als sessiemuzikant bij onder meer André Hazes. Verder speelde hij samen met onder meer Alan Price, Cozy Powell, Kaz Lux, Herman Brood, Paco de Lucia, Peter Banks, Charlie Byrd, Ice-T en B.B. King. Akkerman claimt ook dat hij samen met Pierre van der Linden eind jaren zestig de platen van The Cats volspeelde.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
AA was a member of successively [1] the Friendship Sextet, Johnny and his Cellar Rockers, ZZ and the masks, The Hunters (hit: Russian Spy and I) and Brainbox. End of 1970 he joined the Thijs van Leer Trio. The formation went on under the name Focus and scored some big hits around the world in the 1970s. In 1976 Akkerman left focus and continued his solo career further. A reunion with Thijs van Leer in 1985 turned out to be no success. AA delivered the one plate after another and was also active as a session musician with, among others, André Hazes. He also played together with Alan Price, Cozy Powell, Kaz Lux, Herman Brood, Peter Banks, Paco de Lucia, Charlie Byrd, Ice-T and B.B. King. AA also claims that he and Pierre van der Linden at the end of the 1960s the plates of The Cats volspeelde.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Akkerman was a member of the [1] the Friendship Sextet, Johnny and his Cellar Rockers, ZZ and the Masks, The Hunters (hit: Russian Spy and I) and Brainbox. The end of 1970 he joined the Thijs van Leer Trio. The formation continued under the name Focus and scored in the seventies some world hits. In 1976 Akkerman left the band and went solo. A reunion with Thijs van Leer in 1985 proved unsuccessful. Akkerman yielded one plate after another and was also active as a session musician to include André Hazes. He also played with include Alan Price, Cozy Powell, Kaz Lux, Herman Brood, Paco de Lucia, Peter Banks, Charlie Byrd, Ice-T and BB King. Akkerman also claims that he and Pierre van der Linden late sixties the boards of The Cats volspeelde.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Akkerman was member of successively[ 1] Friendship Sextet Setting, Johnny and his Cellar Rockers, ZZ and the Masks, The Hunters (hit: Russian Spy and I) and Brainbox. He added to the end of 1970 Thijs Leather Trio. The formation went further under the name Focus and scored a few wereldhits in the seventies. In 1976 Akkerman left the band and went solo.A reunion with Thijs van Leer in 1985 showed no success. Akkerman was the one plate after the other and was also active in inter alia as sessiemuzikant André Hazes. Further he played together with Alan Price, Cozy Powell, Kaz Lux, Herman Bread, Paco's Lucia, Peter Banks, Charlie Byrd, Ice-T and B. B. King.Akkerman also claims that he, together with Pierre van der Linden late sixties the plates of The Cats volspeelde.
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