Ajax heeft het aflopende contract van Gino van Kessel verlengd, zo meldt de 21-jarige speler aan Ajax Showtime. De club had een optie om het contract (dat doorliep tot medio 2014) met een jaar te verlengen en heeft daar gebruik van gemaakt.
Ajax has extended the expiring contract of wills Victor, reports the 21-year-old player to Ajax Showtime. The club had an option to terminate the contract (that went through until mid-2014) with one-year extension and has used it.
Ajax have the expiring contract of Gino van Kessel extended, says the 21-year-old player Ajax Showtime. The club had an option to extend the contract (which ran until mid-2014) for one year and have taken advantage of.
Ajax has the descending contract of Gino van Kessel extended, says the 21-year-old player to Ajax Showtime. The club had an option to the contract (which was extended until mid 2014) for a further year, and has made use of.