Re: Van EmmaMTMarloes Treffers2016/10/17 (月) 3:31受信トレイ宛先:西村 広子 (hirowe翻訳 - Re: Van EmmaMTMarloes Treffers2016/10/17 (月) 3:31受信トレイ宛先:西村 広子 (hirowe英語言う方法

Re: Van EmmaMTMarloes Treffers2016/

Re: Van Emma

Marloes Treffers
2016/10/17 (月) 3:31
西村 広子 (;
Konnietjsiewaaah mijn lieve pop,

Wat een toestand zeg! Vervelend dat je ons zo mist, wij missen jou ook hoor!

Hoe graag ik ook zou willen: bellen is geen goed idee. Ik denk dat je je dan alleen nog maar slechter gaat voelen. Het is heel belangrijk dat je goed slaapt. Je hebt last van een jetlag en dat maakt het missen nog veel erger. Als je moe bent is alles veel groter, weet je nog dat ik dat altijd tegen je zeg? Als je wakker wordt, voel je je vast al wat beter.

Je maakt een hele bijzondere reis die je de rest van je leven zal herinneren. Ik hoop dat je je bedenkt dat je nog maar 5 nachtjes daar bent. Zonde als je die tijd verdrietig bent toch? Probeer er een mooie en bijzondere tijd van te maken met je vrienden en met al die aardige Japanners. En eet zoveel sushi als je kan!!! En je kan de rest van je leven met je familie doorbrengen…

Ik zag een filmpje dat jullie met alle meiden tegen een sumoworstelaar vechten. Ik moest zo lachen! Echt geweldig…Juf Lieke houdt ons allemaal goed op de hoogte met foto’s en filmpjes. Zij weet ook dat je het even zwaar had. Ze zal het er vandaag even met je over hebben en je vast ook extra knuffelen…

Vandaag is het maandag. Zaterdag zie ik je al weer. Dan sta ik heel trots op je te wachten op Schiphol!!! Dikke kus en knuffel van mama
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Re: From EmmaMTMarloes Hits2016/10/17 (月) 3:31受信トレイ宛先:西村 広子 (;EverNoteKonnietjsiewaaah my dear pop, What a State! Annoying that you miss, we miss you also hear us so! How much I also might like: call is not a good idea. I think you're just going to feel worse. It is very important that you sleep well. Have you suffered from Jet lag and that makes missing much worse. If you are tired is all much bigger, do you remember that I always say to you? When you wake up, you feel wired all that better. You make a very special journey you will remember the rest of your life. I hope you you consider that you have only 5 more sleeps are there. Sin if you're sad that time right? Try a beautiful and special time of it with your friends and with all those nice Japanese. And eat as much sushi as you can!!! And you can spend the rest of your life with your family ... I saw a movie that you guys with all the girls at a sumo wrestler fighting. So I had to laugh! Really great ... Lieke teacher keeps us all well informed with pictures and movies. They also know that you had equal weight. She will be there today to you about and you also fixed extra cuddle ... Today is Monday. Saturday I see you already. I am very proud of you waiting for Schiphol!!! Big kiss and hug from Mommy
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Re: From Emma

Marloes Hits
17.10.2016 (月) 3:31
Konnietjsiewaaah my dear doll,

What a state! Annoying if you miss us, we miss you too you know!

How I would also like: call is not a good idea. I think you then only going to feel worse. It is very important that you sleep well. You have jetlag and that makes it miss much worse. If you are tired, everything is much bigger, remember that I always tell you? When you wake up, you feel probably already better.

You make a very special trip that you will remember the rest of your life. I hope you realize that you have only five more nights are there. Sin if you're sad time right? There trying to make a beautiful and special time with your friends and with all those nice Japanese people. And eat as much sushi as you can !!! And you can spend the rest of your life with your family ...

I saw a movie that you fight with all girls against a sumo wrestler. I had to laugh so! Really great ... Miss Ellen keeps us well informed with pictures and videos. They also know that you had the same weight. She will be here today with you have and you may also have extra cuddle ...

Today is Monday. Saturday I'll see you all again. I'm very proud of you waiting at the airport !!! Big kiss and hug from mom
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
re: emmamtmarloes hits2016 / 10 / 17 (月) 3: 31受信トレイ宛先:西村 広子 (hirowestson david.);evernotekonnietjsiewaaah my doll.what a mess! i hope you miss us, we miss you too!how much i would like to: call is not a good idea. i think you only feel worse. it is very important that you sleep well. you"re suffering from jet lag and miss that makes it worse. if you"re tired, everything is bigger, you know that i always say to you? when you wake up, you"ll feel a little"re a very special trip you will remember for the rest of your life. i hope you realize you just 5 nights there. sin if you"re sad time. a beautiful and special time trying to make friends with you and with the japanese. sushi and eat as much as you can! !! and you can spend the rest of your life with your family.i saw a movie with all the girls that you fight against a sumo wrestler. i had to laugh! really great...juf public keeps us well informed with photos and videos. they also know that you had a hard time. she will talk to you about today and you"ll have an extra is monday. saturday, i"ll see you again. i"m very proud of you to wait at schiphol airport. !! big hug and kiss mama
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