Dat laatste is dan weer goed nieuws voor trainer Frank de Boer, omdat Sigthorsson verkocht moest worden, alvorens technisch directeur Marc Overmars de markt op mag van de clubleiding om een nieuwe spits naar Amsterdam te halen.
That last is good news for coach Frank de Boer, had to be sold because Sigthorsson, before technical director Marc Overmars on the market may lead to a new striker to the club of Amsterdam.
The latter is good news for coach Frank de Boer, because Sigthorsson had to be sold, before technical director Marc Overmars on the market may not require the club to get a new striker to Amsterdam.
The latter is then good news for trainer Frank de Boer, because Sigthorsson had to be sold, before technical director Marc Overmars on the market of the clubleiding may to a new peak to get to Amsterdam.