Annex 2 to the royal decree of June 8, 2007 laying down the conditions for recognition of the research institutes in the
framework of research projects gastovereenkomsten with researchers from non-EU countries want to exit and laying down the conditions under which such gastovereenkomsten
can be closed.
With a view to the authorization of a stay of more than three months in Belgium of a
foreigner from outside the European Union, invited in the capacity of researcher by a
recognized research institute to carry out a research project,
Having Regard to the European directive 2005/71 on a specific procedure for the admission of
Third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research,
Having Regard to the law of december 15, 1980 on access to the territory, residence, the
establishment and the expulsion of foreign nationals,
Having Regard to the royal decree on the conditions for recognition of the
research institutes,
The following setting:
Name :
Ondernemingsnummer (where appropriate) :
Address :
Head of the institution :
Capacity (rector, director, president, etc. ) :
declares that it receives as a researcher :
Name (mr., ms., miss.) :
Forename(s) Date Of Birth: Place of birth :
Nationality :
Current residence :
Passport :
Capacity :
Diploma :
Tewerkstellende visited institution of higher education or setting (before the stay in Belgium)
For the next project :
Title of the research project :
Project Leader (promoter) :
Uitvoeringsplaats :
Address :
According to the following temporary protection :
Nature of the legal relationship :
Monthly Income (gross) :
Type of income: salary fair other (specify) :
Setting that the investigator shall finance :
Duration : from to
And further declares that the above person has the resources available to
are to cover subsistence and social coverage and his return to his country of origin to
Done in duplicate at , on
Signature of the head of the host institution.
For agreement
Signature of the investigator