Bijlage 2 bij het koninklijk besluit van 8 juni 2007 houdende de voorw翻訳 - Bijlage 2 bij het koninklijk besluit van 8 juni 2007 houdende de voorw英語言う方法

Bijlage 2 bij het koninklijk beslui

Bijlage 2 bij het koninklijk besluit van 8 juni 2007 houdende de voorwaarden voor erkenning van de onderzoeksinstellingen die in het
kader van onderzoeksprojecten gastovereenkomsten met onderzoekers uit niet-EU-landen willen afsluiten en tot vaststelling van de
voorwaarden waaronder dergelijke gastovereenkomsten kunnen worden afgesloten.
Met het oog op de machtiging tot een verblijf van meer dan drie maanden in België van een
buitenlander van buiten de Europese Unie, uitgenodigd in de hoedanigheid van onderzoeker door een
erkende onderzoeksinstelling om er een onderzoeksproject uit te voeren,
Gezien de Europese richtlijn 2005/71 betreffende een specifieke procedure voor de toelating van
onderdanen van derde landen met het oog op wetenschappelijk onderzoek,
Gezien de wet van 15 december 1980 betreffende de toegang tot het grondgebied, het verblijf, de
vestiging en de verwijdering van vreemdelingen,
Gezien het koninklijk besluit houdende de voorwaarden voor erkenning van de
De hierna vermelde instelling:
Naam :
Ondernemingsnummer (in voorkomend geval):
Adres :
Hoofd van de instelling :
Hoedanigheid (rector, directeur, voorzitter, enz.) :
Verklaart dat zij als onderzoeker ontvangt :
Naam (dhr., mevr., mej.) :
Voorna(a)m(en) :
Geboortedatum : Geboorteplaats :
Nationaliteit :
Huidige woonplaats :
Paspoortnummer :
Hoedanigheid :
Diploma :
Tewerkstellende instelling of bezochte instelling van hoger onderwijs (vóór het verblijf in België)
Voor het volgende project :
Titel van het onderzoeksproject :
Projectleider (promotor) :
Uitvoeringsplaats :
Adres :
Volgens de volgende opvangregeling :
Aard van de juridische relatie :
Maandinkomen (brutobedrag) :
Type van inkomen : salaris beurs andere (preciseren) :
Instelling die de onderzoeker financiert :
Duur : van tot
En verklaart bovendien dat de hierboven vermelde persoon over de vereiste middelen beschikt om
zijn verblijfkosten te dekken en zijn sociale dekking en zijn terugkeer naar zijn land van herkomst te
Gedaan in tweevoud te , op
Handtekening van het hoofd van de gastinstelling.
Voor akkoord
Handtekening van de onderzoeker
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Annex 2 of the Royal Decree of 8 June 2007 on the conditions necessary for its recognition of the research institutes in theGuest research projects have agreements with researchers from non-EU countries like to conclude and laying down theconditions under which such agreements can be concluded. guestHOSTING AGREEMENTWith a view to authorisation to a stay of more than three months in Belgium of aforeigner from outside the European Union, invited as a researcher by arecognized research institution to carry out a research project,Having regard to the European Council Directive 2005/71 on a specific procedure for the admission ofthird-country nationals for purposes of scientific research,Having regard to the Act of 15 december 1980 on access to the territory, residence,establishment and the expulsion of foreigners,Having regard to the Royal Decree laying down the conditions for recognition of theresearch institutes,The following setting:Name:Company number (if applicable):Address:Head of the institution:Name:Capacity (rector, Director, President, etc.):Declares that as a researcher receives:Name (Mr., Mrs., Ms):First name (s):Date Of Birth: Place Of Birth:Nationality:Current residence:Passport Number:Capacity:Degree:Visited hiring institution or institution of higher education (before the stay in Belgium)For the next project:Title of the research project:Project leader (supervisor):Execution Place:Address:According to the following protection:Nature of the legal relationship:Monthly income (gross amount):Type of income: salary scholarship other (specify):Setting that the researcher shall finance:Duration: from toAnd declares that the person mentioned above have the required resources toto cover his living expenses and its social coverage and his return to his country of origin topay for it.Done in duplicate, onSignature of the head of the host institution.For agreementSignature of the researcher
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Annex 2 of the Royal Decree of 8 June 2007 on the conditions for recognition of the research institutions in the
hosting agreements research projects with researchers from non-EU countries want to close and laying down the
conditions under which such hosting agreements can be concluded.
With the purpose of authorizing a stay of more than three months in Belgium of a
foreigner from outside the European Union, invited in the capacity of a researcher
recognized research institution is to conduct a research project,
given the European Directive 2005/71 on a specific procedure for admitting
third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research,
given the law of 15 December 1980 on access to the territory, residence,
establishment and removal of aliens,
the light of the Royal Decree on the conditions for recognition of the
the setting listed below:
Company number (if applicable):
Head of the institution:
Capacity (Rector, Director, President, etc.):
Certifies that it receives as a researcher:
Name ( Mr., Mrs., Miss):...
Given name (s) (s):
Date of birth: Place of birth:
Current residence:
employing institution or visited institution of higher education (before the stay in Belgium)
for the following project:
Title of the project:
Project leader (supervisor):
Execution City:
The following reception arrangements:
The nature of the legal relationship:
Monthly income (gross amount):
Type of income: salary scholarship other (specify):
Institution that finances the researcher :
Duration: from to
and also declares that the person listed above have the required resources to
cover his subsistence and his social security cover and his return to his country of origin
Done in duplicate at, on
Signature of the Head of the host institution.
Signature of researcher
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Annex 2 to the royal decree of June 8, 2007 laying down the conditions for recognition of the research institutes in the
framework of research projects gastovereenkomsten with researchers from non-EU countries want to exit and laying down the conditions under which such gastovereenkomsten
can be closed.
With a view to the authorization of a stay of more than three months in Belgium of a
foreigner from outside the European Union, invited in the capacity of researcher by a
recognized research institute to carry out a research project,
Having Regard to the European directive 2005/71 on a specific procedure for the admission of
Third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research,
Having Regard to the law of december 15, 1980 on access to the territory, residence, the
establishment and the expulsion of foreign nationals,
Having Regard to the royal decree on the conditions for recognition of the
research institutes,
The following setting:
Name :
Ondernemingsnummer (where appropriate) :
Address :
Head of the institution :
Capacity (rector, director, president, etc. ) :
declares that it receives as a researcher :
Name (mr., ms., miss.) :
Forename(s) Date Of Birth: Place of birth :
Nationality :
Current residence :
Passport :
Capacity :
Diploma :
Tewerkstellende visited institution of higher education or setting (before the stay in Belgium)
For the next project :
Title of the research project :
Project Leader (promoter) :
Uitvoeringsplaats :
Address :
According to the following temporary protection :
Nature of the legal relationship :
Monthly Income (gross) :
Type of income: salary fair other (specify) :
Setting that the investigator shall finance :
Duration : from to
And further declares that the above person has the resources available to
are to cover subsistence and social coverage and his return to his country of origin to
Done in duplicate at , on
Signature of the head of the host institution.
For agreement
Signature of the investigator
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