VPTECHStichting Vroegpensioenfonds Technische GroothandelNieuwsbrief V翻訳 - VPTECHStichting Vroegpensioenfonds Technische GroothandelNieuwsbrief V英語言う方法

VPTECHStichting Vroegpensioenfonds

Stichting Vroegpensioenfonds Technische Groothandel

Nieuwsbrief VPTECH

Geachte heer Iwamoto

In deze nieuwsbrief willen wij u informeren over:
・ Een aanpassing van het reglement.
・ Het nieuw governance model.
・ De raad van Toezicht.
・ Het herstelplan.
・ Wijzigingen in 2015.

Een aanpassing van het reglement.
Ieder jaar stelt het bestuur de nieuwe uitstel- en afkoopfactoren vast. Uitstelfactoren worden gebruikt bij het herberekenen van uw pensioenuitkering als u besluit om uw pensioenuitkering uit te stellen. Afkoopfactoren worden gebruikt om de waarde te berekenen bij bij bijvoorbeeld afkoop van een klein pensioen (een pensioenaanspraak onder de € 462,88 per jaar). De afkoop- en uitstelfactoren voor 2015 kunt u terugvinden op onze website www.vptech.nl.

Het nieuwe governance model.
Met ingang van 1 juli 2014 moesten alle pensioenfondsen aan de Wet Versterking Bestuur Pensioenfondsen (WVBP) voldoen. VPTECH heeft op tijd aan deze eis voldaan.
Er is gekozen voor het paritaire bestuursmodel met vij zetels, twee namens werkgevers, twee namens werknemers en een namens de vroegpensioensioengerechtigden. Meer informatie kunt u vinden op inze website.

De Raad van Toezicht.
Pensioenen worden steeds complexer. Daarom zijn deskundige besturen in elk pensioenfonds nodig. Zij moeten de belangen van deelnemers en pensioengerechtigden zorgvuldig afwegen. Sinds 1 juli 2014 heeft het psnsioenfonds naast het bestuur een Raad van Toezicht. De Raad van Toezicht houdt toezicht op het pensioenfonds. Ze controleert het bestuur en geeft advies. De Raad van Toezicht heeft onze voormalige visitatiecommissie vervangen.

Het herstelplan.
VPTech heeft als vele andere pensioenfondsen last gehad van de crisis op de financiele markten. Daarom hebben we toen een herstelplan opgesteld. Hierin staat wat we doen om de financiele situatie te verbeteren. Het herstelplan is in 2014 beeindigd. Dit omdat dakkingsgraad in 2014 meer dan drie kwartalen boven de vereiste dekkingsgraad stond. De dekkingsgraad in 2014 meer dan drie kwartalen boven de vereiste dekkingsgraad stond. De dekkingsgraad is een belangrijke graadmeter voor de financiele toestand van pensioenfondsen. Het geeft aan of we voldoende geld hebben om alle tot nu toe opgebouwde pensioenen nu en in de toekomst uit te betalen. De dekkingsgraad bedroeg eind december 2014 113%. Dat betekent dat we voor iedere € 100 die we nu en in de toekomst aan pensioenen moeten € 113 beschikbaar is.

Wijzigingen 2015.
Het nieuwe financiele toetsingskader (nKTK) is op 1 januari 2015 ingegaan. Hierdoor zijn er een aantal zaken gewijzigd die effect kunnen hebben op de financiele positie van het pensioenfonds. Een van de wijzigingen is dat de pensioenen pas mogen worden geindexeerd als de dekkingsgraad hoger is dan 110%. Omdat de effecten van het nFTK in 2014 nog niet bekend waren, heeft het bestuur besloten om in 2015 niet te indexeren. Iedere maand vermelden wij de dekkingsgraad op de beginpagina van onze website.

Reeds enige tijd werkt de regering in Den Haag aan een nieuwe wet over pensioencommunicatie, wij verwachten dat deze wet gedurende 2015 van kracht zal worden. Volgt u vooral onze website voor nadere informatie hierover.

Tot slot wijzen wij u graag nogmaals op onze website www.vptech.nl voor meer informatie.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
VPTECHVroegpensioen Fund Foundation Technical WholesaleNewsletter VPTECHDear Mr. IwamotoIn this newsletter we would like to inform you about:・ An adaptation of the rules of procedure.・ The new governance model.・ The Supervisory Board.・ The recovery plan.・ Changes in 2015.An adaptation of the rules of procedure.Each year, the Board fixed the new postponement and redemption factors. Delay factors are used to recalculate your retirement benefit if you decide to delay your pension benefit. Redemption factors are used to calculate the value at, for example, surrender of a small pension (a pension claim under the 462,88 € per year). The redemption-and delay factors for 2015 can be found on our website www.vptech.nl.The new governance model.With effect from 1 July 2014 had to all pension funds to the law Strengthening Governance pension funds (WVBP) meet. VPTECH has on time this requirement met.There is chosen for the joint governance model with five seats, two on behalf of employers, two on behalf of employees and on behalf of the vroegpensioensioengerechtigden. More information can be found on Linda m website.The Supervisory Board.Pensions are becoming more complex. Therefore his expert driving in each pension fund. They should defend the interests of members and beneficiaries, careful. Since 1 July 2014 next to the psnsioenfonds the Board has a supervisory board. The Supervisory Board oversees the Pension Fund. She checks the Board and gives advice. The Supervisory Board has replaced our former Review Committee.The recovery plan.VPTech has as many other pension funds suffered the crisis on the financial markets. That is why we have when a recovery plan. It states what we do to improve the financial situation. The recovery plan is finished in 2014. This because dakkingsgraad in 2014 more than three quarters above the required funding ratio stood. The coverage in 2014 more than three quarters above the required funding ratio stood. The coverage ratio is a key measure of financial condition of pension funds. It indicates whether we have all accumulated enough money so far to pay pensions now and in the future. The coverage ratio amounted to 113% at the end of december 2014. That means for every € 100 which we must now and in the future to € 113 pensions available.Changes by 2015.The new financial review framework (nKTK) is entered on 1 January 2015. As a result, there are a number of issues that impact on the financial position of the Pension Fund. One of the changes is that only the pensions may be indexed if the funding ratio exceeds 110%. Because the effects of the nFTK in 2014 were not yet known, the Board has decided not to index by 2015. Every month we mention the coverage on the home page of our website.The Government in the Hague has for some time been working on a new law on pension communication, we expect this law will enter into force in 2015. Follow our website for further information about this.Finally, we point you like once again on our website www.vptech.nl for more information.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Foundation Early Pension Technical Wholesale Newsletter VPTECH Dear Mr. Iwamoto In this newsletter we inform you about: · An adaptation of the regulations. · The new governance model. · The Board of Trustees. · The recovery plan. · Changes in 2015. An adjustment the regulations. Each year, the Board shall adopt the new deferral and redemption factors. Postponement Factors used in recalculating your pension if you decide to delay your retirement benefit. Redemption factors are used to calculate the value, for example commutation of a small pension (pension entitlement under € 462.88 per year). Surrender and delay factors for 2015 can be found on our website www.vptech.nl. The new governance model. As of July 1, 2014, all pension funds had the Law Strengthening Management Pension Funds (WVBP) meet. VPTECH time has complied with this requirement. There has been chosen for the joint management model with fi ve seats, two on behalf of employers, two on behalf of employees and on behalf of the early retirement pension beneficiaries. More information can be found at Inze website. The Supervisory Board. Pensions are becoming increasingly complex. Therefore administrations are expert needed in every pension fund. They must carefully balance the interests of members and beneficiaries. Since July 1, 2014, the psnsioenfonds next administration a Board of Trustees. The Supervisory Board oversees the pension fund. She checks the board and gives advice. The Supervisory Board has replaced our former committee. The recovery plan. VPTech has many other pension funds suffered from the crisis on the financial markets. Therefore we then prepared a recovery. This is what we do to improve the financial situation. The recovery plan was terminated in 2014. This is because dakkingsgraad in 2014 was more than three quarters above the required coverage. The coverage in 2014 was more than three quarters above the required coverage. The coverage ratio is an important indicator of the financial situation of pension funds. It indicates whether we have enough money to pay all accrued up pensions now and in the future. The coverage ratio at end December 2014 113%. That means that for every € 100 that we have € 113 is available now and in the future pensions. Changes in 2015. The new financial assessment framework (nKTK) began on January 1, 2015. Therefore, there are a number of things changed that could have an impact on the financial position of the pension fund. One of the changes is that pensions should only be indexed if the coverage ratio exceeds 110%. Because the effects of the nFTK in 2014 were not yet known, the board has decided not to index 2015. Every month we mention the coverage on the homepage of our website. For some time does the government in The Hague to a new law on pension communication, we expect that this law will be in effect for 2015. Follow especially our website for additional information. Finally, we will happily again www.vptech.nl our website for more information.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Foundation Vroegpensioenfonds Technical Wholesale

Newsletter VPTECH

Dear Mr Iwamoto

In this newsletter we would like to inform you about:
・ An adaptation of the rules of procedure.
・ The new governance model.
・ The Supervisory Board.
・ The recovery plan.
・ Changes in 2015.

An adaptation of the rules.
Each year the management board the new postponement and afkoopfactoren.Uitstelfactoren be used to recalculate the pension of your decision to your pension if you to. Afkoopfactoren are used to calculate the value for example at redemption of a small pension (a pension under the € 462.88 per year). The surrender and uitstelfactoren for 2015 you can find on our website www.vptech.nl.

The new governance model.
from July 1, 2014 had to all pension funds to the Law Strengthening Governance Pension Funds (WVBP) comply. VPTECH has complied with that requirement on time.
There is chosen for the joint governance model with vij seats, two on behalf employers, workers and a two on behalf on behalf of the vroegpensioensioengerechtigden. You can find more information on inze" and only has website.

The Supervisory Board.
Pensions are increasingly complex. Therefore, expert control necessary in each pension fund. They must have the interests of members and beneficiaries consider carefully. Since July 1, 2014 has the psnsioenfonds next to the board a Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board supervises the pension fund. They will check the board and gives advice.The Supervisory Board has replaced our former visitatiecommissie.

The recovery plan.
VPTech has as many other pension funds had the crisis on the financial markets. We have therefore drawn up when a recovery plan. What we do to improve the financial situation. The recovery plan is completed in 2014.This is because dakkingsgraad in 2014 more than three quarters above the required coverage level was. The coverage rate in 2014 more than three quarters above the required coverage level was. The coverage is a key indicator of the financial situation of pension funds. It indicates whether we have enough cash to all pensions acquired up to now now and in the future to pay off.The coverage end december 2014 was 113 %. That means that for every $100 we now and in the future of pensions must be € 113 is available.

Changes 2015.
The new financial assessment framework (nKTK) is on January 1, 2015. There are a number of things this amended that can affect the financial position of the pension fund.One of the changes is that pensions may only be indexed if the coverage is higher than 110 %. Because the effects of the nFTK in 2014 were not yet known, the government decided in 2015 not to be indexed. Each month we the coverage on the home page of our website.

Already some time, the government in The Hague to a new law on pensioencommunicatie, we expect that this law during 2015 will be in force. Follow especially our website for further information on this.

finally you once again on our website www.vptech.nl for more information.
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