angel's thai massage is the prettiest salon of amsterdam. in the enjoyment of a drink to our new masseuses choice let you enjoy a delicious traditional or relaxation massage. both before and after the massage, you can take a shower. and you want to have a break after the massage and a drink, can of course.
we have the traditional thai full body massage & foot massage with babymassageolie milk with melkmassageolie herbs, massage, massage with kruidenmassageolie, each with their own specific force and a whole body and face scrup peel.
thai massage prevents and cure physical and psychological complaints and stimulates the circulatory system and the lymfevatensysteem,thus the energy and feel rejuvenated. muscle pain, back and neck strain, headache, chronic fatigue, stress and poor blood flow can be remedied by thai massage.
rates, see website:
open every day from 11:00, 22: 00.