'We moeten ons focussen op ons spel, daar is de meeste winst te boeken. Als we dat doen, dan wordt de ranglijst een mooi iets. We gaan nu keihard trainen om die frisheid van eerder dit seizoen terug te krijgen.'
' We must focus on our game, there is the most profit booking. If we do, then the rankings a nice something. We're going to train hard now that freshness of earlier this season to get back. '
"We need to focus on our game, there is the highest benefits. If we do that, then the ranking a beautiful thing. We are now going to train hard earlier this season to get back. "That freshness of
'We must focus on our game, there is the most profit. If we do that, then the ranking is a nice thing. We are going to work out which freshness of earlier this season to get back.'