AC Milan zit Feyenoord dwars en biedt Kuyt hoger salaris'Gerucht - Moc翻訳 - AC Milan zit Feyenoord dwars en biedt Kuyt hoger salaris'Gerucht - Moc英語言う方法

AC Milan zit Feyenoord dwars en bie

AC Milan zit Feyenoord dwars en biedt Kuyt hoger salaris'
Gerucht - Mocht Feyenoord zich binnenkort nog willen versterken met Dirk Kuyt, dan lijkt de club snel toe te moeten slaan. Als het aan AC Milan ligt, dan keert de 34-jarige spits namelijk niet terug naar Rotterdam. De Italianen willen Kuyt graag uit de handen van Feyenoord houden.
Volgens Sabah is AC Milan bereid om Kuyt met een fors salaris te verleiden tot een overstap naar Italië. De spits zou na het lopende seizoen de overstap moeten maken naar de Serie A. Gezien het contract van Kuyt bij Fenerbahçe in de zomer afloopt, zou AC Milan de Nederlander dus transfervrij binnen kunnen halen.

Kuyt, die tussen 2003 en 2006 in actie kwam voor Feyenoord, zou zelf de voorkeur geven aan een terugkeer naar Rotterdam.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
AC Milan is Feyenoord Cross and Kuyt higher salary offers 'Rumor-If Feyenoord will soon strengthen with Dirk Kuyt, then it seems to save the club quickly. If it were up to AC Milan is, then, the 34-year-old striker not back to Rotterdam. The Italians want to like to keep out of the hands of Feyenoord, Kuyt.According to Sabah is AC Milan prepared to Kuyt with a hefty salary to be tempted by a move to Italy. The striker would have to make the switch after the current season to Serie a. having regard to Kuyt's contract expires in the summer at Fenerbahçe, AC Milan the Dutchman would so get a free transfer within.Kuyt, who came between 2003 and 2006 in action for Feyenoord, would prefer a return to Rotterdam.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
AC Milan's Feyenoord Kuyt cross and offers higher salary '
Hearsay - Should Feyenoord wish soon reinforce Dirk Kuyt, it seems to have to strike the club soon. If it is up to AC Milan, the 34-year-old striker will not be returned to Rotterdam. The Italians want to keep Kuyt like from the hands of Feyenoord.
According to Sabah's AC Milan willing to tempt Kuyt with a hefty salary to move to Italy. The striker should make the switch after the current season to Serie A. Given the expiring contract of Kuyt to Fenerbahce in the summer, AC Milan, the Dutchman so free transfer can win. Kuyt, who came into action between 2003 and 2006 Feyenoord, would give myself prefer a return to Rotterdam.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
AC Milan is Feyenoord Kuyt cross and offers higher salary'
Rumour, If Feyenoord will soon be like to strengthen with Dirk Kuyt, it seems to be the club quickly. If the AC Milan is set, then the 34-year-old rush is not back to Rotterdam. The Italians want Kuyt would like to keep out of the hands of Feyenoord.
According to Sabah is AC Milan prepared to Kuyt with a substantial salary to entice a move to Italy. The spire would be after the current season must make the transition to the Series A. Having regard to the contract of Kuyt at Fenerbahçe expires in the summer, would therefore AC Milan the Dutchman transfervrij within reach.

Kuyt, which between 2003 and 2006 was for Feyenoord,Would prefer a return to Rotterdam.
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