Goedemiddag Patrick,Ik ben hier nog eens om te vragen of jullie ondert翻訳 - Goedemiddag Patrick,Ik ben hier nog eens om te vragen of jullie ondert英語言う方法

Goedemiddag Patrick,Ik ben hier nog

Goedemiddag Patrick,
Ik ben hier nog eens om te vragen of jullie ondertussen al antwoord hadden ...
Ik zou maandag toch iets moeten kunnen formuleren aan Japan.

We moeten eigenlijk alleen weten of die ene zending verkeerd gestockeerd werd of is de zending steeds in "behandeling" geweest en daardoor niet op de juiste temperatuur geraakt?

Als we via Amsterdam willen blijven werken in de toekomst moeten we wel zeker zijn hoe zij dit soort van zendingen afhandelen omdat we maar een minimale temperatuursafwijking willen zien.
Alvast bedankt.
Met vriendelijke groeten,
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ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Good Afternoon Patrick,I am here again to ask if you had already answered in the meantime ... I would be able to formulate something to Japan Monday. We should only know if that one was stored or wrong shipment is the shipment still in "treatment" and therefore not at the right temperature? If we want to continue working in the future via Amsterdam to be sure how they handle this kind of shipments as we only want to see a minimum temperatuursafwijking. Thanks in advance. With best regards, Carry
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Patrick Good afternoon,
I am here again to ask if you had meanwhile answer ...
I'd Monday something must be able to formulate Japan.

We have only really know if that one consignment was stored incorrectly or is the mission always " treatment "has been and therefore can not get to the correct temperature?

If we want to continue working in the future we must be sure how they handle this kind of shipments via Amsterdam because we want to see a minimum temperature deviation.
Thank you.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
good afternoon, patrick.i"m here to answer questions or you already have.i would have to make something on monday to japan.we should know that only one consignment consignment was wrong or is stored in the "treatment" and therefore not at the right temperature.if we want to continue working in amsterdam in the future, we must be sure how they handle this kind of packages, but a minimum temperatuursafwijking because we want to see.thank you in advance.with kind regards,carry
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