De heer Beernaert te veroordelen tot betaling aan mevrouw Fukunishi van een bedrag van 2.500,00 € wegens tergend en roekeloos verweer, zijnde de leugen omtrent het essentiële stuk en de afkomst er van;
Mr Babu to pay to Mrs Fukunishi of an amount of € 2,500.00 due to painfully and reckless defense, being the lie about the essential piece and the descent;
Mr. Beernaert to pay to Ms. Fukunishi an amount of € 2,500.00 for vexatious and reckless defense, which is the lie about the essential piece and the origin of it;
Mr Beernaert be ordered to pay to mrs Fukunishi of an amount of EUR 2,500.00 for vexatious and reckless defense, the lie of the essential piece and the origin of;