Pin Only! Dagelijks open vanaf 11.00 uur. RESERVEREN is uitsluitend TELEFONISCH mogelijk en vanaf 10 personen tot 18.00 uur. Vrijdag en in het weekend tot 17.00 uur. Daarna wordt de tafel vrijgegeven aan wachtende gasten.
Pin Only!Open daily from 11 am. Reservation is only possible by PHONE and from 10:00-18:00. Friday and on weekends until 17:00.The table is then released to waiting guests.
Pin Only! Open daily from 11:00. RESERVATIONS BY TELEPHONE is only possible from 10 persons till 18:00. Friday and on weekends until 17:00. Then the table is released to waiting guests.
pin only! (open daily from 11:00. the reserve is only possible by telephone and persons from 10 to 6. friday and the weekend to 17.00. is then released to the table and waiting guests.