Willem van Rossum C.Ss.R (1854-1932) was een Nederlands curiekardinaal. Hij was de eerste Nederlandse kardinaal sinds de Reformatie en leidde van 1918 tot zijn dood de Congregatie tot Voortplanting des Geloofs.
Willem van Rossum (1854-1932) was a Dutch Roman Catholic cardinal. He was the first Dutch Cardinal since the Protestant Reformation and led from 1918 to his death the Congregation for the propagation of the faith.
Willem van Rossum C.Ss.R (1854-1932) was a Dutch curia cardinal. He was the first Dutch cardinal since the Reformation and led from 1918 until his death the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith.
Willem van Rossum C. Ss.R (1854-1932) was a Dutch curiekardinaal. He was the first Dutch cardinal since the reformation of 1918 and led to his death the Congregation to Reproduction des belief.