Nee! Misschien dat ik achteraf blij kan zijn met een andere kleur medaille. En als ik roemloos zesde word, zal ik moeten concluderen dat de pols te veel impact heeft gehad, maar daar wil ik nu allemaal nog niet aan.
No! Maybe I can be happy afterwards with a different color medal. And if I inglorious sixth word, I'll have to conclude that the wrist too much impact has had, but I want to now all yet.
No! Maybe I can be happy afterwards with a different color medal. And if I inglorious sixth word, I will have to conclude that the wrist had too much impact, but I do not at all even now.
no! maybe that i later can be happy with any other color medal. and if i am unfortunate sixth, i must conclude that the wrist too much impact, but i"m not at all.