Het is een kwestie van tijd voor directeur voetbalzaken Marc Overmars bij Bayer Leverkusen voor 2,6 miljoen euro de optie licht tot koop van Arek Milik en het reeds afgesloten contract tot de zomer van 2018 in werking treedt.
It's a matter of time for football Affairs Director Marc Overmars at Bayer Leverkusen for 2.6 million euros to buy the option light Arek Milik and the already completed contract until the summer of 2018 comes into force.
It's a matter of time for football affairs director Marc Overmars at Bayer Leverkusen 2.6 million option to buy light Arek Milik and the signed agreement shall take effect until the summer of 2018.
It is a question of time for director voetbalzaken Marc Overmars at Bayer Leverkusen for 2.6 million euro the option for the sale of light Arek Milik and the already concluded contract until the summer of 2018 in force.