ie online searching for a hotel room is no longer
around The small player Enke
le years ago is now a billion dollar company, where
recruiting talent is a lubricated process. Besides
finding unique talent for niches. "That
we have to do much better."
In the hall of the office of in Amsterdam's
Herengracht has a big screen with a world map.
Then lights scattered every yellow in an irregular pace
dot, like fireworks against a dark sky. "Every point
is a client who books with us overnight," said Rob pure
dema, HR director at one of the world's largest online boo
king sites. Revenues from consist of the com-
missions that pay providers for a booking. In July this
year the daily average 850,000 overnight stays. It
reached the 1 million seems at best a matter of time.
IT plays an essential role for the service. Almost pe
ryone with adheres implicitly with that.
More than a hundred different teams work continuously to far
improvements of parts of the website. "Measuring, improving
and testing, which is the core activity of the company," said raw
founder Geert-Jan Bruinsma in a recent interview. The e-com-
merce company is since 2005 part of the American
PCLN Group, and provides by far the largest share of turnover
move, about $ 6.8 billion in 2014.
In 2008, Zuidema joined. Since then he saw the number of me
ployees grow from about 1000 to the current 10,000, and
he leads a team of eight HR directors. The growth provision
s to date the 'people portfolio "as he takenpak
calls package. "This includes literally everything that affects people,
including facility management."
The Dutch offices are all located in
the heart of Amsterdam. What is the reason?
"A conscious decision to appeal to a particular
segment of the labor market: young international talent with
a curious, cosmopolitan setting and cultural be
terest. And of course, love to travel. Therefore, all
meeting rooms in over 170 offices worldwide wall-filling
sharing photos of holiday locations, made by the employees
themselves. Thus, also their buildings. And those pictures excite the
curiosity to places anywhere in the world. "
With what command you started with
" When I came to the founders in conversation, they wanted the company
make a big step in terms of size and market share. The on
gestation was how to globally scalable our business
create and grow from 1,000 to at least 5,000 cooperating
cherry? Before that I had as a HR manager with experience in big
Shell an attractive profile. "
Do you see yourself more as a team member with HR porte
? Feuille or HR professional in the MT
" I find that difficult to answer. I think I have a strong
have business-driven approach. But I always tell my
said CEO at the same time that I'm an outsider from
from his profession as an HR manager can ask questions that an an
der can not claim. That gives me an independent look I
need to interfere me everywhere. " What are HR key onderwer - pin of the organization agenda? " For the entire organization one thing is essential: the focus on so - many possible accommodations connect where we book income klan - can get in to. Everything else is Pareto, 80 percent of the energy goes into 20 percent of sales and 20 of the customers accounts for 80 percent of sales. HR should at first think how we work force able to deploy so that it yields the most. Secondly, we as an organization everywhere present in the world. We must close the accommodations are we our bookers want to put on. One of the first things I had suggested in 2008 that all our jobs should be open to everybody around the world. That means you're going to do everything in English, all communications internally and ex - tern, you see yourself as an employer internationally shows that, for example, all job ads on Monster in English should be converted, and so on. " Is internationalization now completed? "At a global level it. We have 121 nationalities in service, of which 85 in Amsterdam. Only 1 in 8 employees here Dutchman. But this diversity is not balanced well - distributed across all walks of life in the organization. One of our core beliefs is that diversity gives us strength. But in our technology department is 85 percent male. We can still be better. We have a lot in Amsterdam western and eastern Europeans employed, but fewer Americans, Asians and Africans. We desperately need if we are in America, Ca nada, to grow Brazil and Asia. " What makes you unique workforce? " The average age here is 30, which is best r