ささささささ Is het de eerste keer dat je dat denkt bij een vrouw? Wel op deze manier. Ik heb wel eens eerder gedacht dat het echt was, maar niet op deze manier, niet zo realistisch als nu. En dat is doodeng.
ささささささIt is the first time you that thinks in a woman?Though this way. I've had some previously thought that it was real, but not in this way, not as realistic as now. And that is scary as hell.
ささささささ Is this the first time you think that a woman? Well in this way. I once previously thought it was real, but not this way, not as realistic as now. And that's scary.
The ささささささ Is the first time that you think of a woman? in this way. I've had previously thought that it really was, but not in this way, not as realistic as it is now. And that is scary.