Een paar jaar geleden stuurde 'n vriend van me...een bandje van 'n Bea翻訳 - Een paar jaar geleden stuurde 'n vriend van me...een bandje van 'n Bea英語言う方法

Een paar jaar geleden stuurde 'n vr

Een paar jaar geleden stuurde 'n vriend van me...
een bandje van 'n Beatles-repetitie.
Op 'n bepaald moment hoor je John "Daydream" spelen.
Maar er waren 'n paar probleempjes.
Als je goed luistert, kun je 'm horen zeggen: Die ellendige liedjesbakkers.

Naar ik hoop, eerder uit bewondering dan uit frustratie.

"Daydream" is 'n vrij eenvoudig nummer, met vrij eenvoudige akkoorden.

Het enige wat ze misschien voor 'n raadsel plaatste, was... De meeste mensen spelen:
Geen problemen. Dat zijn gewoon... majeurakkoorden.

Maar als je hier belandt...
Er zijn allerlei vervangende akkoorden die hier sterk op lijken.

Sir Paul was zo vriendelijk om te zeggen dat Daydream.
een grote rol heeft gespeeld bij het schrijven van "Good Day Sunshine".
ソース言語: -
ターゲット言語: -
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
A few years ago sent a friend of me ...a tape of a Beatles-rehearsal.On a certain moment you hear John "Daydream" play.But there were a few glitches.If you listen carefully, you can hear him say: those wretched songs bakers.I hope, rather of admiration than out of frustration."Daydream" is a pretty simple song, with fairly simple chords.The only thing they might for a puzzle placed, was ... Most people play:No problems. Those are just ... major agreements.But if you here ends up...There are all kinds of replacement chords that seem strong on here.Sir Paul was kind enough to say that Daydream.has played a major role in the writing of "Good Day Sunshine".
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
A few years ago sent a friend of me ...
a band of 'n Beatles rehearsal.
On one particular moment you hear John playing "Daydream".
But there were a couple of problems.
If you listen carefully, you can 'm hearsay: That miserable songs bakers. I hope, rather than admiration out of frustration. "Daydream" is one fairly simple song, with fairly simple chords. The only thing they put perhaps a mystery, was ... Most people play: No problems. Those are just ... major chords. But if you end up here ... There are many substitute chords that had very similar. Sir Paul was kind enough to say that Daydream. has played a major role in the writing of "Good Day Sunshine ".

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
A few years ago 'n friend of me ...
a band of 'n Beatles-rehearsal.
'n determined moment you hear John "Queenslands'" play.
but there were 'n few niggles.
If you listen very carefully, you can hear it say: These wretched liedjesbakkers.

i hope, rather than admiration from frustration.

"Queenslands'" is relatively simple 'n number, with relatively simple agreements.

The only thing they perhaps for 'n mystery spot, was ... Most people play:
No problems. That are simply ... majeurakkoorden.

But if you hit here ...
There are many replacement agreements that are similar.

Sir Paul was so friendly to say that Queenslands'.
played a major part in the writing of "Good Day Sunshine".
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