5. E-mails tussen concluante en de notaris omtrent het verloop van de ondertekening van de akte – schrijven in cc. Aan verweerder (die echter nooit reageerde op de toch wel expliciete ingebrekestelling en aantijgingen..)
5. Emails between the notary concerning the conduct of the concluante and signing of the Act – write in cc. To defendant (which, however, never responded to the rather explicit notice of default and allegations..)
5. E-mails between concluante and the notary about the course of the signing of the deed - write in cc. The defendant (but which never responded to the allegations of default and explicit yet ..)
5. E-mails between concluante and the notary public of the progress of the signing of the act - write in cc. On the defendant (which, however, never responded to the very explicit notice and allegations..)