dat is juist ik ben de laatst bestelde knuffels vergeten. De totale prijs inclusief verzendkosten bedragen 85 euro. Excuus voor het ongemak. Zak ik een nieuwe betalingsopdracht verzenden via Paypal of kan het ook zonder?
that's right I am the last ordered forget hugs. The total price including shipping price of 85 euros. Excuse for the inconvenience. Bag I send a new payment order through Paypal or can it without it?I would love to hear from you back,
that's right I'm the last ordered hugs forgotten. The total price including shipping costs 85 euros. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bag I send a new payment order via PayPal or can not? I'd love to hear from you,
That is correct i am the last ordered hugs forget. The total price including shipping amounts 85 euro. An excuse for the inconvenience. I have a new Bag send payment via Paypal or can also without?