Tot slot verwijst eiseres ook naar elementen uit het stuk 1 het bundel van concluant dat enkel wordt bijgebracht om aan te tonen dat er voorafgaand aan de ondertekening van de akte degelijk tussen partijen onderhandekd is over de te verrekenden bedragen.
Finally, the plaintiff also refers to elements of the piece 1 bundle of concluant that only is imparted to show that prior to the signing of the Act solid onderhandekd between the parties is on the verrekenden.
Finally, Plaintiff also refers to elements of the piece 1 of the bundle concluant that is only taught to show that prior to the signing of the deed indeed onderhandekd between the parties is the too distant knew amounts.
The applicant also refers to elements to conclude from the piece 1 the bundle of concluant is being taught that only to show that there would prior to the signing of the act indeed between parties to verrekenden onderhandekd is about the amounts.