Ajax heeft zijn oog laten vallen op Marnick Vermijl. De 22-jarige rechtsback staat onder contract bij Manchester United, dat hem dit seizoen verhuurt aan NEC. Daar maakt de Belg een uitstekende indruk.
Ajax has its eye on Marnick Vermijl. The 22-year-old right-back is under contract with Manchester United, that lets him this season to NEC. The Belgian rider there makes an excellent impression.
Ajax has his eye on Marnick Vermijl. The 22-year-old right-back is under contract with Manchester United, who hires him this season at NEC. That makes the Belgians an excellent impression.
Ajax has his eye on Marnick Vermijl drop. The 22-year-old rechtsback is under contract at Manchester United, that he rents to NEC this season. There is a Belgian an excellent impression.