In deze nieuwsbrief willen wij u informeren over: ・ Een aanpassing van het reglement. ・ Het nieuw governance model. ・ De raad van Toezicht. ・ Het herstelplan. ・ Wijzigingen in 2015.
In this newsletter we would like to inform you about:・ An adaptation of the rules of procedure.・ The new governance model.・ The Supervisory Board.・ The recovery plan.・ Changes in 2015.
In this newsletter we want to inform you about: · An adaptation of the regulations. · The new governance model. · The Board of Trustees. The recovery ·. · Changes in 2015.
In this newsletter we would like to inform you about: ・ An adaptation of the rules. ・ The new governance model. ・ The Supervisory Board. ・ The recovery plan. ・ Changes in 2015.