FC Twente, Feyenoord, Vitesse en nu ook PSV, allemaal gaan ze sputteren zodra iedereen denkt dat het lek boven is. Zodra mogen moeten wordt, ontstaat er een probleem', vervolgt hij. 'Dan blokkeren spelers en zien ze de oplossing niet meer
FC Twente, Feyenoord, Vitesse and PSV, now all they go sputtering as soon as everyone thinks the leak above. As soon as may be, it creates a problem should ', he continues. ' Than blocking players and they see the solution no longer
FC Twente, Feyenoord, PSV Vitesse and now, all of them will sputter when everyone thinks that the leak is above. Once may have is, there is a problem, "he continues. "Then block players and they do not see the solution
FC Twente, Feyenoord, Vitesse and now also PSF, all they go sputtering once everyone thinks that the leak above is. As Soon As may be, there is a problem', he continued. 'Than block players and they see the solution not more