Dirk Kuyt heeft gisteren een eenjarig contract voorgeschoteld gekregen翻訳 - Dirk Kuyt heeft gisteren een eenjarig contract voorgeschoteld gekregen英語言う方法

Dirk Kuyt heeft gisteren een eenjar

Dirk Kuyt heeft gisteren een eenjarig contract voorgeschoteld gekregen van Feyenoord. De terugkeer van de Katwijker bij de Rotterdammers is daarmee aanstaande. Kuyt heeft geen exorbitante salariseisen en krijgt ook de zekerheid dat hij er nog een jaar aan vast mag plakken als zijn terugkeer komend seizoen een succes blijkt te zijn. De onvermoeibare aanvaller is, als het seizoen begint, alweer 35 jaar, maar voelt zich nog altijd topfit.
Een officieel akkoord is er nog niet, maar welingevoerde bronnen in de Kuip verwachten dat beide partijen elkaar op korte termijn zullen vinden. Kuyt speelde vanaf 2003 al eens drie seizoenen in de Kuip. In 120 wedstrijden was hij toen goed voor 81 doelpunten, maar ook hij won met Feyenoord geen enkele prijs. In de nadagen van zijn loopbaan wil Kuyt nog eenmaal een poging wagen om met zijn grote liefde een prijs te pakken.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dirk Kuyt has been given a one-year contract yesterday presented by Feyenoord. The return of Katwijker for the Rotterdam-team is imminent. Kuyt has no exorbitant salary demands and also get the assurance that he has another year to fixed may paste as his return next season turns out to be a success. The tireless attacker is, as the season starts, again 35 years, but still feels topfit.An official agreement is not there yet, but expect both parties welingevoerde sources in the Cockpit will find each other in the short term. Kuyt played from 2003 all three more seasons in the tub. In 120 games, he was then good for 81 goals, but also with Feyenoord he won no price. In the twilight of his career would once more try to Kuyt with his great love to extract a price.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dirk Kuyt got yesterday served a one-year contract with Feyenoord. The Katwijker the return in Rotterdam is therefore imminent. Kuyt has no exorbitant salary demands and also get the assurance that he would come one year should be glued to his return next season as appears to be a success. The tireless attacker when the season starts again for 35 years, but still feel fit as a fiddle.
A formal agreement is not there yet, but welingevoerde sources in the Cockpit expect that both parties will find each other soon. Kuyt played from 2003 already three seasons in the Cockpit. In 120 games, he was good for 81 goals, but he won with Feyenoord any price. In the twilight of his career wants Kuyt once an attempt to grab a prize with his great love.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Dirk Kuyt has been given a one-year contract yesterday of Feyenoord. The return of the Katwijker at the two Rotterdam citizens is forthcoming. Kuyt has no exorbitant related and also get the security that he is still a year to paste may determine if his return next season appears to be a success. The tireless attacker is, as the season starts,Another 35 years, but is still feeling always in goalscoring form.
An official agreement is not yet there, but welingevoerde sources in the tub expect that both parties will find each other in the short term. Kuyt played from 2003 all three seasons in the tub. In 120 matches was he good for 81 goals, but he won with Feyenoord no price.In the dying throes of his career like Kuyt still once an attempt at a price with his great love to tackle.
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