Uit de correspondentie met de notaris Wallays blijkt inderdaad dat partijen op 24 mei 2014 inderdaad de vereffeningverdeling voorzien hadden mits een opleg van 80.000,00 EUR.
From the correspondence with the notary Wallays does indeed show that parties on 24 may 2014 indeed the settlement distribution came with a lay-on of 80 000, 00 EUR.
The correspondence with the notary Wallays fact that the parties on May 24, 2014 had indeed provide the liquidation distribution subject to a surcharge of € 80,000.00.
From the correspondence with the notary Wallays indeed show that parties on May 24, 2014 had indeed provided the vereffeningverdeling provided that a last minute of 80,000.00 EUR.