NevelenEn op de vraag of er dan inmiddels wel contact is geweest met z翻訳 - NevelenEn op de vraag of er dan inmiddels wel contact is geweest met z英語言う方法

NevelenEn op de vraag of er dan inm

En op de vraag of er dan inmiddels wel contact is geweest met zaakwaarnemer Rob Jansen, die al sinds jaar en dag de zakelijke belangen van de aanvaller behartigt, hult Van Geel zich ook in nevelen. ,,Nogmaals, ik zeg helemaal niets. Je hoeft mij daar niet meer over te bellen.''

Wie in de nabije omgeving van de spits zijn oor te luister legt, heeft geen twijfels meer. Kuyt is nog altijd topfit en wil met Feyenoord nog één keer een serieuze gooi te doen naar de landstitel. Trainer Fred Rutten zou zijn komst verwelkomen, zo liet hij al in oktober weten. ,,Als je het mij persoonlijk vraagt, dan kan ik dat alleen maar toejuichen,'' zegt Rutten. ,,Als het ter sprake komt.''

Maar waar blijft dan het min of meer logische akkoord tussen beide partijen? Feyenoord hapt niet toe, terwijl Kuyt duidelijk is geweest. Zit er nog oud zeer door gebeurtenissen in het verleden? In 2012 sprak Van Geel in Katwijk uitvoerig met Kuyt over een terugkeer naar de Kuip, zonder resultaat. Kuyt koos voor Fenerbahçe, tot diepe teleurstelling van Feyenoord.

Misschien zijn er in Rotterdam ook wel twijfels of het verstandig is om een 35-jarige spits terug te halen. Vraag in Turkije naar de fysieke gesteldheid van de Katwijker en de duimen gaan omhoog. De spits laat nog wekelijks zien hoe fit hij is, in Nederland zou hij voor elke club een versterking zijn.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
MistsAnd on the question of whether very contact with agent Rob Jansen, who long been looks after the business interests of the attacker, hult Of Yellow also in mists. ,, Again I say nothing at all. You need to call me there no more about that. ''WelcomeWho in the near vicinity of the Spire his ear to the ground lay, has no doubts. Kuyt is still topfit and wants to throw a serious one last time with Feyenoord to do to the League title. Trainer Fred Rutten would welcome his coming, so he let al know in October. ,, If you ask me personally, then I can only welcome that, '' says Rahman. ,, If it discussed. ' "But where does that leave it more or less logical agreement between the two parties? Feyenoord gasps not matter, while Kuyt has been clear. There is very old by events in the past? In 2012, spoke of Yellow in Katwijk at length with Kuyt about a return to the cockpit, to no avail. Kuyt chose Fenerbahçe, to deep disappointment of Feyenoord.DoubtsMaybe there are in Rotterdam also called doubts whether it is wise to take back a 35-year-old striker. Question in Turkey to the physical makeup of the Katwijker and the thumbs going up. The striker still leaves weekly see how fit he is, in Netherlands he would increase for each club.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

And whether there by now was contact with agent Rob Jansen, who has long been representing the business interests of the attacker, also Van Geel is covered in mist. ,, Again, I say nothing. You do not need me there to no longer call. "" Cheering Who in the vicinity of the striker to his listening ear explains, has no more doubts. Kuyt is still very fit and want to make a serious run at Feyenoord one more time for the league title. Coach Fred Rutten would welcome his arrival, as he announced in October. ,, If you ask me personally, I can only applaud that, '' said Rutten. ,, If it comes up. "" But where is it then more or less logical agreement between the two parties? Feyenoord gasps not, while Kuyt has been clear. Is there any old wounds from past events? In 2012, Van Geel spoke in Katwijk extensively with Kuyt about a return to the cockpit, without result. Kuyt chose Fenerbahçe to deep disappointment of Feyenoord. Doubts Perhaps there are in Rotterdam also doubts whether it is wise to retrieve a 35-year-old striker. Demand in Turkey to the physical condition of the Katwijk and the thumbs go up. The striker still leaves weekly show how fit he is, in the Netherlands, he would be a gain for each club.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

and on the question whether there had been contact with representative Rob Jansen, who have for years been the business interests of the attacker represents, hult Of Yellow is also vague. "Again, i say nothing at all. You do not have to call. "

Who in the vicinity of the spits his ear to listen, has no doubts.Kuyt is still in goalscoring form and would like one more time with Feyenoord a serious discard to do to the landstitel. Trainer Fred Rutten would welcome his arrival, so he did know already in october. "If you ask me personally, i can only welcome that," says Rutten. "If the matter. "

But where is the more or less logical agreement between the two parties?Feyenoord not evil, while Kuyt has been clear. There is still old very by events in the past? In 2012 spoke of Yellow in Katwijk detailed with Kuyt on a return to the tub, without result. Kuyt chose Fenerbahçe, to deep disappointment of Feyenoord.

Perhaps there are also doubts as to whether in Rotterdam it is sensible to a 35-year-old rush back to. Demand in Turkey to the physical condition of the Katwijker go and the thumbs up. The spire still leaves weekly see how fit he is, he would for each club in the Netherlands a reinforcement.
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