ささささささDennis Storm drove very long in a beaten-up Toyota Corolla. That wasn't a great car. Dennis Storm presented quite long Spuiten En Slikken and participated in Ranking The Stars. He thought it was terrible. Dennis Storm lived for a time in Amsterdam. He could not earths.Meanwhile, the 2013 and is Dennis Storm exactly where ie wants to be: in a large building in a quiet area, just outside the village of his birth city the Hague. He presents his dream program, 3 On Travel, and, together with his friend and colleague Valerio Zeno the popular youth programs guinea pigs and loverboys. And he drives a very cool Toyota Crown from 1978.But there is more to tell about Dennis Storm.Now take his girlfriend, the woman about whom he hours can tell. And the real novel that he is writing. And did you know actually that he put together his own furniture designs and? And that he is secretly actually very old-fashioned? And then there was that same day that Dennis thought he's dead went ... Enough to talk about, also discovered Marcel langedijk during an extensive and remarkably candid interview in the local pub of the young BNN presenter.