You look together at least averse to conventions. You have shit on everything.
I think that we dare to be particularly worried. If you have ten years ago, someone saw something scary do on TV, so someone went into it with an air of 'I'm not afraid, I'm crazy. " We do not do that. If we are very scared, really find something scary - even if it's gay - then we show that. And sometimes we just do not do it. We are honest in what is in us. I hate that made, I hate neptelevisie. When we went to make Lover boys, we said right: we do not go for the tears. I can not stand it when television producers say they make a program in the first place to help people. That is not true. If you want to help people, you have to be a doctor. Just create television. And if that woman is crying because her husband only plays with trains, it's wonderful, because it is nice television. But do not tell me that that woman thus helping sincere. That's bullshit. Maybe I'm wrong, though. Perhaps Natasha Froger actually interested in a woman, but as a viewer I do not give a shit about it.