Geachte heerGeachte mevrouwIk vernam dat u uw afspraak van 31 mei wens翻訳 - Geachte heerGeachte mevrouwIk vernam dat u uw afspraak van 31 mei wens英語言う方法

Geachte heerGeachte mevrouwIk verna

Geachte heer
Geachte mevrouw
Ik vernam dat u uw afspraak van 31 mei wenst te vervroegen omdat mevrouw die dag voor langere tijd naar Japan vertrekt.
Voor mij is dinsdag 29 mei in de voormiddag nog mogelijk (ik heb voorlopig een afspraak gereservaard om 9u15)
Ik heb eventueel geen verder bericht van u ontvangen omtrent volgende cruciale punten:
- taalkeuze Nederlands + rechtbank Leuven of Frans + Rechtbank Brussel
- Zal mevrouw in België zijn om voor de rechtbank te verschijnen of dient een verzoek tot volmacht aan de rechtbank te worden gericht?
- overname huis Leuven: zal de heer Beernaert het aandeel van mevrouw overnemen of zullen de ouders van de heer Beernaert dit overnemen? Heeft u het akkoord van KBC Bank voor overname van het krediet?
- de gegevens van het appartement te Parijs en de contactgegevens van de notaris aldaar
Wat betreft het toepasselijke registratierecht op de overname door hetzij de heer Beernaert; hetzij de ouders Beernaert ontving ik enige informatie in verband met de wijziging van het tarief van 1% naar 2,5% die binnen het kader van de aanpassing van de begroting 2012 in het Vlaams Parlement ter stemming voorligt.
Volgens het ontwerp van wet dat thans voorligt zal, voor overeenkomsten die worden afgesloten onder opschortende voorwaarde (bijvoorbeeld bij EOT), op het ogenblik van vervulling van de voorwaarde, het evenredig recht verschuldigd zijn aan het tarief dat gold op het ogenblik waarop de overeenkomst werd afgesloten. Een overeenkomst (= notariële akte) die vóór de datum van inwerkingtreding werd afgesloten onder een opschortende voorwaarde die pas na de datum van inwerkingtreding wordt vervuld, blijft dus onderworpen aan het oude tarief van 1%. Op dit ogenblik zou de wet op 1 juni in werking treden.
Dank voor een spoedig bericht, zodat ik ook onmiddellijk de nodige opzoekingen kan starten.
Met vriendelijke groeten
Ann Wallays
ソース言語: オランダ語
ターゲット言語: 英語
結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear SirDear MadamI learned that you wish to bring forward your appointment of 31 May because Mrs that day for extended periods of time to leave Japan.For me it is Tuesday 29 may in the morning still possible (I have an appointment for the time being to gereservaard 9: 15)I have not received any further message from you about following crucial points:-language choice Dutch + French + Court Court Leuven or Brussels-Mrs in Belgium Will have to appear in court or power of attorney to the Court shall submit an application to be addressed?-acquisition House Leuven: will Mr Babu the share of Mrs buy or parents will take over Mr Babu's this? Do you have the agreement of KBC Bank for the adoption of the credit?-the data from the apartment in Paris and the contact details of the notary –With regard to the applicable registration right on the acquisition by either Mr Babu; either the parents Babu I received only information related to the change in the rate of 1% to 2.5% within the framework of the adaptation of the budget for 2012 to vote in the Flemish Parliament.According to the draft law before will, for contracts concluded under a suspensive condition (e.g. EOT), at the time of fulfillment of the condition, the proportional duty is payable at the rate that applied at the time the contract is concluded. An agreement (= notarial deed) was concluded before the date of entry into force under a suspensive condition that only after the date of entry into force is fulfilled, therefore remains subject to the old rate of 1%. At this time the law would enter into force on 1 June.Thanks for a speedy post so that I can start immediately the necessary searches. With best regardsAnn Wallays
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear Sir
Dear Madam
, I heard that you want your appointment from 31 May to advance because Mrs. that day for a long time leaving for Japan.
For me Tuesday, May 29th in the morning still possible (I have a tentative agreement gereservaard to 9.15)
I if no further message from you on these crucial points:
- language Dutch or French + + court Leuven Court Brussels
- Will Ms. in Belgium are to appear in court or submit a request for authorization to the court to be targeted?
- takeover house Leuven: Mr. Beernaert will take over the share of Ms. or parents of Mr. Beernaert will take over this? Do you agree with KBC Bank for acquisition of credit?
- the data of the apartment in Paris and the contact details of the notary there
Regarding the applicable registration law on the acquisition by either Mr. Beernaert; either the parents Beernaert I received some information in connection with the change in the rate from 1% to 2.5% which is within the framework of the adaptation of the 2012 budget in the Flemish Parliament for a vote.
According to the draft law which is currently for lies will, for contracts concluded under the suspensive condition (eg EOT) at the time of fulfillment of the condition, the proportional duty would be payable at the rate applicable at the time the agreement was concluded. An agreement (= notarial deed) before the date of entry into force concluded under a condition precedent being fulfilled only after the effective date, will therefore remain subject to the old rate of 1%. At present the law would come into force on 1 June.
Thanks for a speedy message so that I can immediately begin the necessary research.
Ann Wallays
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Dear Mr
Dear ms
I learned that you your appointment of 31 may wish to bring forward for a long time that day because she leaves to Japan.
tuesday, May 29 for me is still possible in the morning (i have an appointment gereservaard provisionally to 9u15)
i have received any further message from you about following crucial points:
- Language selection Dutch court Leuven or French Court Brussels
- Will mrs in Belgium are to appear for the court to be a request for authorisation or to the court to be addressed?
- acquisition house Leuven: will mr Beernaert the share of mrs accept or will the parents of mr Beernaert this accept?You have the agreement of KBC Bank for acquisition of the credit?
- the data of the apartment in Paris and the contact details of the notary there
As regards the applicable registration duty on the acquisition by either mr Beernaert; either the parents Beernaert i received some information in connection with the change in the rate of 1% to 2,5% WHICH, within the framework of the adaptation of the budget 2012 in the Flemish Parliament to vote.
According to the draft law that is now before us will, for agreements that are concluded under suspensive condition (for example, in EOT), at the time of completion of the condition,The proportionate duty is payable to the rate which was in force at the time the agreement was concluded. An agreement (= notarial act) before the date of entry into force was completed under a suspensive condition that only after the date of entry into force shall be fulfilled, therefore remains subject to the old rate of 1 %.At this point, the law on 1 June in force.
Thanks for a reply, so that i can start immediately the necessary searches.
Kind regards
Ann Wallays
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