In Belgie is de veeteelt het belangrijkst. Landbouwbedrijven in Vlaand翻訳 - In Belgie is de veeteelt het belangrijkst. Landbouwbedrijven in Vlaand英語言う方法

In Belgie is de veeteelt het belang

In Belgie is de veeteelt het belangrijkst. Landbouwbedrijven in Vlaanderen en Wallonie kweken vooral
dieren zoals runderen, varkens, kippen of schapen, maar ook veel groenten en fruit. Het noorden van Wallonie is de streek van de graangewassen. In het zuiden van Wallonie zijn er alleen bossen en weiden. De belgische landbouw heeft een zeer hoge productiviteit, is zeer divers en zeer intensief. Maar zoals in andere Europese landen zijn er in de Belgische landbouw veel economische en ecologische problemen.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Animal husbandry is the most important in Belgium. Farms growing especially in Flanders and Wallonieanimals such as cattle, pigs, chickens or sheep, but also lots of fruits and vegetables. The North of Wallonie is the region of the cereals. In the South of Wallonie only forests and meadows. Belgian agriculture has a very high productivity, is very diverse and very intensive. But as in the other European countries in Belgian agriculture much economic and environmental problems.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In Belgium, the most important livestock. Farms in Flanders and Wallonia grow especially
animals such as cattle, pigs, chickens or sheep, as well as many fruits and vegetables. The north of the Wallonie region of the cereals. In southern Wallonia, there are only woods and meadows. The Belgian agriculture has a very high productivity, is very diverse and very intense. But as in other European countries are there in the Belgian agriculture many economic and ecological problems.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
The most important is the livestock In Belgium. Farms in Flanders and Wallonia breeding especially
animals such as cattle, pigs, chickens and sheep, but also many fruit and vegetables. The north of Wallonie is the region of the cereals. In the south of Wallonia are there only forests and meadows. The belgian agriculture has a very high productivity, is very diverse and very intensive.But, as in other European countries are there in the Belgian agriculture many economic and ecological problems.
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