De school is tijdens de zomervakantie te bereiken op: maandag 4 juni, dinsdag 5 juni en woendag 6 juni van 10u tot 15u en vanaf woensdag 24 augustus tot 31 augustus, tijdens de weekdagen van 10u tot 15u.
The school during the summer holiday: Monday 4 June, Tuesday June 5 and Wednesday 6 June from 10 am to 3 pm and from 24 August to 31 August, during the weekdays from 10 am to 3 pm.
The school is accessible during the summer vacation on: Monday, June 4th, Tuesday, June 5 and Wednesday of June 6 from 10h to 15h and from Wednesday, August 24 to August 31, during the weekdays from 10h to 15h.
the school during the summer vacation to achieve: monday, june 4, 5 june tuesday and wednesdays june 6 of 10 until 3:00 p.m. wednesday and from 24 august to 31 august, during the weekdays from 3:00 to 10:00.