De MA’GO (Muziekacademie van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs) heeft een kort翻訳 - De MA’GO (Muziekacademie van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs) heeft een kort英語言う方法

De MA’GO (Muziekacademie van het Ge

De MA’GO (Muziekacademie van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs) heeft een korte, maar intense geschiedenis. Zij werd opgericht op 23 september 1970 als toenmalige “Rijksmuziekacademie” met als directeur dhr.Gilbert De Greeve. In tegenstelling tot de academies van Anderlecht, Schaarbeek, Etterbeek en Voeren werd zij niet gesticht om taalpolitieke redenen. Een analogie valt te trekken met de Gemeenschapsacademie van de stad Gent. Toen de muziekschool van Antwerpen onder impuls van Peter Benoit promoveerde tot conservatorium, bleven de lagere afdelingen binnen de school aanwezig tot een herstructurering in het hoger kunstonderwijs in juli 1970. De hogeschool hoopte duidelijkheid te scheppen tussen professioneel en niet-professioneel onderwijs. Aan de basis van deze beslissing en uitvoering ervan lagen drie figuren, met name dhr. Andries Kinsbergen, gouverneur van de provincie en voorzitter van de Commissie van Toezicht, mevr. Mathilde Schroyens, toenmalig schepen van cultuur en dhr. Eugène Traey, toenmalig directeur van het KVMC. Aanvankelijk gevestigd op verschillende locaties in de stad, verkreeg de school een ruime vestigingsplaats aan de Mechelsesteenweg, een belangrijke verbindingsweg naar het centrum van de stad. In de eerste periode werd de school gekenmerkt door een zin voor experiment en vernieuwing. Gedurende vele jaren werd de methodiek van Kódaly, in nauwe samenwerking met een aantal Antwerpse lagere scholen, ontwikkeld en toegepast. Een spijtige organisatorische reden alsook een tekort aan professionele pedagogische opvolging lag aan de grondslag van het stopzetten van dit initiatief. Een aantal jaren later vond ook het Aquariusproject onderdak in de academie. Helaas kon ook dit initiatief niet verdergezet worden. Onder leiding van de huidige directeur dhr. Luc Vanvaerenbergh zet de academie haar zoektocht naar innoverende aspecten binnen het kunstonderwijs voort.
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
The Lhynne (Academy of music of community education) has a short, but intense history. It was founded on 23 september 1970 as then "National Music Academy" with as a Director Mr. Gilbert De Greeve. In contrast to the academies of Anderlecht, Schaerbeek, Etterbeek and she was not founded to Introduce language political reasons. To draw an analogy with the Community Academy of the city of Ghent. When the music school of Antwerp under the impulse of Peter Benoit was promoted to Conservatory, remained the lower departments within the school to a restructuring in higher art education in July 1970. The University was hoping to clarify between professional and non-professional education. The basis for this decision and implementation layers three figures, particularly Mr. Andries Kinsbergen, Governor of the province and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, Mrs. Mathilde Schroyens, the then Alderman of culture and Mr. Eugène Traey, then Director of the KVMC. Initially located in different locations in the city, the school obtained a spacious seat on the Mechelsesteenweg, an important connecting road to the Centre of the city. In the first period the school was characterized by a sense of experiment and innovation. For many years, the methodology of Kódaly, in close cooperation with a number of Antwerp primary schools, developed and applied. A sad organisational reason as well as a shortage of professional pedagogical follow-up lay at the basis of stopping this initiative. A few years later the Aquarius project also found shelter in the Academy. Unfortunately, this initiative also could not be continued. Headed by the current Director Mr. Luc Vanvaerenbergh put the Academy her quest for innovative aspects within art education.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
The MA'GO (Music Community Education) has a short but intense history. It was founded on September 23, 1970 and then "State Music Academy" with the director dhr.Gilbert De Greeve. Unlike the academies of Anderlecht, Schaerbeek, Etterbeek and Feeding it was not founded for language political reasons. An analogy can be drawn with the Community College of the City of Ghent. When the music of Antwerp driven by Peter Benoit promoted to conservatory, the lower divisions within the school continued to present a restructuring in higher arts education in July 1970. The university hoped to clarify between professional and non-professional education. On the basis of this decision and its implementation were three figures, especially mr. Andries Kinsbergen, governor of the province and chairman of the Supervisory Committee, mrs. Mathilde Schroyens, alderman of culture and mr. Eugène Traey, then director of the KVMC. Initially set at different locations in the city, the school obtained a spacious location on the Mechelsesteenweg, an important link to the city center. In the first period the school was marked by a sense of experimentation and innovation. For many years, the Kodaly methodology, in close cooperation with a number of Antwerp primary schools, developed and implemented. An unfortunate organizational reasons and a lack of professional teaching succession was on the basis of stopping this initiative. A few years later also took the Aquarius Project shelter in the academy. Unfortunately, this initiative could not be further put. Under the leadership of the current director mr. Luc Vanvaerenbergh put the academy continues its quest for innovative aspects in art education.
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
the ma go (music academy of g) has a short but intense history. it was established on 23 september 1970 and then "rijksmuziekacademie" with director mr. gilbert greeve. in contrast to the academies of anderlecht, schaerbeek, etterbeek and carry it was founded to taalpolitieke reasons. an analogy can be drawn with the gemeenschapsacademie of the city of ghent. when the conservatory of antwerp under the impetus of peter benoit was promoted to music, kept the lower divisions within the school to present a restructuring in higher artistic education in july 1970. the college was clarity between professional and non professional education. on the basis of this decision and implementation were three characters, including mr. andrew kinsbergen, governor of the province and chairman of the commission of supervision, madam. mathilde schroyens culture, the ships and aircraft. eugene traey, former director of the kvmc. originally located in different locations in the city, the school acquired a wide place in the mechelsesteenweg, a major thoroughfare in the centre of the city. in the first period, the school was marked by a sense of experiment and innovation. for many years the methodology of kódaly, in close cooperation with a number of flemish primary schools, developed and applied. an unfortunate organisational reason and a shortage of professional educational succession was the basis of the cessation of this initiative. a few years later, the aquariusproject found shelter in the academy. unfortunately, this initiative could not be continued. under the leadership of the current director mr. luc vanvaerenbergh put the academy her search for innovative aspects in art education.
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