Ik weet nog niet of mijn vrije dagen het toelaten (wellicht moet ik er wat dagen bijkopen dit jaar), maar in december, in de kerstvakantie zou ik graag vrij willen hebben op de volgende data:
22, 23 en 24 december, en
30 en 31 december.
Ik moet nog even kijken óf ik nog dagen heb, hoe verdeling adv en verlof is, maar kunnen jullie je hierin in beginsel vinden?
Ik hoor graag van jullie
HiI still don't know if my days the admit (I may have to purchase additional days this year), but in december, in the Christmas holiday I would like free like to have on the following dates:22, 23 and 24 december, and30 and 31 december.I still need to look here or I still have days, how distribution adv and leave, but you can find it in principle?I would love to hear from you

Hi, I do not know whether my days off allow it (maybe I should some day buy more this year), but in December, during the Christmas holidays I would like to have quite the following dates: 22, 23 and 24 December, and 30 and 31 December. I gotta watch or I have days, the division is adv and leave, but can you find in this rule? I would love to hear from you

i don't know if my free days allow (perhaps i should add some days additionally buying this year), but in december during the christmas, i would like to be free to the following data:
22, 23 and 24 december 30 and december 31, and
i check whether i still days, how distribution adv and leave, but you can find it in principle.
i would like to hear from you.