Als alle uitslagen van Twente dit seizoen waren geschrapt, was namelijk niet PSV maar Ajax als kampioen de boeken in gegaan. De Amsterdammers speelden bij Twente gelijk (2-2), terwijl de Eindhovenaren twee keer van de Tukkers wonnen.
If Twente this season totals were deleted, was not PSV but Ajax books in as champion. The Amsterdam-team played at Twente equal (2-2), while PSV twice by FC Twente won.
If all the results of Twente this season had been canceled, which was not only PSV Ajax as champion went into the books. The Amsterdammers played at Twente equal (2-2), while PSV won twice at FC Twente.
if the results of twente this season were deleted, but ajax and psv was not champion in the books. the amsterdammers played at twente (2 - 2), while the eindhovenaren twice of the tukkers won.