Soms zijn de landschappen waarin je niet alles ziet het mooist.. Maar je wordt er niet vrolijk van. Altijd vrolijk maakt ook niet gelukkig.. Zo is het ook bij vrouwen... Als je de sombere kant niet kent, herken je de vrolijke kant niet.
Sometimes the landscapes in which you don't see all the most beautiful..But you will not be happy.Always cheerful also makes not happy..So it is in women ...If you do not know the gloomy side, you recognize the cheerful side does not.
Sometimes the landscapes in which you do not see everything at its best .. But you is not gay it. Always cheerful is not happy .. So it is with women ... If you do not know the dark side, you recognize the bright side is not.
sometimes the landscapes in which you don't see all the best.but you are not happy about it.always happy is not it is in women.if you don't know the dark side, you can see the bright side.