Dear Sir and / or Madam Shoji, With us you have your vehicle, Ford Focus with license plate 61-XT-PZ left with us. Unfortunately, on the night of Friday to Saturday broke smashed into your car and the passenger window. At first glance, there is nothing stolen from the car, but it could of course that personal items were taken from the car. If there stuff away then I hear that obviously happy. Unfortunately Autotaalglas the car window out of stock and we can not replace the window, does have Autotaalglas Hoofddorp have deployed a temporary emergency window and the car completely sucked, so you at least case just safely back home can drive. Please, I would like to know from you whether the vehicle is a lease or whether it is your own property? Should a company car that I advise you to contact your leasing company. Please I would like to get in touch with you for further handling of the damage. If you have any further questions please let me naturally from you. Hoping for now, you with sufficient information. Sincerely, Thomas Harms Amsterdam Airport Schiphol General Manager Schiphol Valet Parking (+31 20 40 67 890 Mailing address: PO Box 75 631, 1118 ZR Schiphol email: