AZ wil de goalie snel vastleggen, maar heeft daarbij hevige concurrentie van FC Twente. Ook Ajax meldde zich inmiddels bij de zeventienjarige Bussumer, maar die ziet niets in een stage bij de Amsterdamse club.
AZ wants the goalie quickly capture, but has intense competition from FC Twente. Ajax also reported Bussumer, but is now at 17-year-old who sees nothing in an internship at the Amsterdam club.
AZ wants the goalie capture fast but retained strong competition from FC Twente. Ajax also been reported to the seventeen-year-old Bussumerstraat, but sees nothing in an internship at the club.
AZ would quickly capture the goalie, but fierce competition from FC Twente. Ajax also reported in the Nieuw Bussumer seventeen year old, but nothing in a traineeship at the Amsterdam club.