Beste meneer, mevrouw, Het is weer tijd om de stand van de watermeter 翻訳 - Beste meneer, mevrouw, Het is weer tijd om de stand van de watermeter 英語言う方法

Beste meneer, mevrouw, Het is weer

Beste meneer, mevrouw,
Het is weer tijd om de stand van de watermeter door te geven. Het gaat om de watermeter van het adres Melickstraat 67 te TILBURG. In deze e-mail leest u hoe u dit doet.
Hoe geeft u de meterstand door?
U kunt de meterstand direct doorgeven via de link meterstand doorgeven. Dit kan online of met uw smartphone.

Werkt deze link niet? Ga dan naar en vul uw referentienummer in: 265323361 .
Hoeveel tijd heeft u om de stand door te geven?
Wij ontvangen uw meterstand graag voor 10-09-2015. Lukt dit niet, dan ontvangt u een meterstandkaart via de post.
Hebt u nog vragen?
U vindt het antwoord op veelgestelde vragen over de watermeterstand op onze website. U kunt natuurlijk ook contact opnemen via telefoonnummer 073 683 8000. Wij zijn bereikbaar op werkdagen van 8.00 uur tot 17.00 uur.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Frank van der Putten
Hoofd Meterbeheer
Deze mail is verstuurd vanuit een automatisch verzendadres. Reageren op deze mail is daarom niet mogelijk.
ソース言語: -
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Dear Sir, Madam, It's time once again to the State of the water meter. It comes to the water meter of the Melickstraat address 67 in TILBURG. In this email you can read how to do this. How you specify the meter reading by? You can pass directly through the link the meter reading meter reading. This can be online or with your smartphone.This link not working? Then go to and enter your reference number: 265323361. How much time do you have to make it to pass?We gladly receive your meter reading for 10-09-2015. If this does not work, you will receive a meterstand card via the post. If you have any further questions?You can find the answer to frequently asked questions about the dental water meters on our website. You can of course also contact 073 683 8000. You can reach us on business days from 8 am to 5 pm. Best regards,Frank van der PuttenHead Meter ManagementThis mail is sent from an automatic shipping address. Respond to this mail is therefore not possible.
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
Dear sir or madam,
It's time to pass the state's water meter. It is the water meter of the address Melick Street 67 in Tilburg. This email explains how to do this.
How do you give the meter reading?
You can pass the meter directly pass through the link meter. This can be done online or on your smartphone. Does not this link? Then go and enter your reference:. 265323361 How much time do you have to pass the state? We are happy to receive your meter reading 10-09-2015. If this fails, you will receive a meter reading card in the mail. Still have questions? You can find answers to frequently asked questions about the water meter on our website. You can also contact us by phone at 073 683 8000. We are available on weekdays from 8.00 am to 17.00 pm. Sincerely, Frank van der Putten Master Meter Manager This e-mail was sent from an automated shipping address. Reply is therefore not possible at this email.

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
Dear Sir or Madam,
It is once again time for the position of the water meter. The case of the water gauge of the address Melickstraat 67 to TILBURG. In this email you will find information on how to do this.
How do you give the needle by?
YOU can pass the needle directly via the link needle pass. This can online or with your smartphone.

does this link not work? Go to www.brabantwater.NL/needle and fill your reference number: 265323361 .
How much time do you give to the position?
We received your needle like for 10-09-2015. If this fails, you will receive a meterstandkaart via the post.
If you have any questions?
you will find the answers to frequently asked questions about the watermeterstand on our website. Of course, you can also contact us on telephone number 073 683 8000.We are reachable on working days from 8.00 a.m. to 17.00.


Frank van der Putten
Head Meterbeheer
This mail is sent automatically from a shipping address. Respond to this mail is therefore not possible.
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