In 2000 I had a wenkbrauwpiercig and bold sunglasses (I did this interview on Coming Out Day for a blog then fail to put it. WELL THEN I DO IT YOURSELF YET !!) How did you come out of the closet? Did you like this hard? I'm at my parents never really officially come out of the closet, like: I have to tell you something. Around my 16th I had become terribly in love with my best friend, and when he got involved with a girl I was very sad. My mom saw that and asked for it, I cried and then it was all clear. Later I told a few friends and although everyone was very surprised, I did not really think hard. I had been since I was twelfth with the feeling that something was wrong with me and because I understood nothing of it, I suppressed it. There I was very bleak, so once I understood that I was gay and it could tell, which aired it on. I've always been quite selective with whom I told it, because I thought it was totally not necessary that everybody knew. How did you live? Except my mother had no one expected it, but everyone has responded well. Of course some guys saying stupid things like "Just do not be such a cousin 'and girls' Oh, we can look together guys!' but it was well intentioned. The last few years when I told it to colleagues or new friends (for coming out goes your whole life) I never had bad reactions. Only always "something I had not really expected!" That you have to perceive it as a sort of compliment, but if you hit a straight guy would say, "You seem not straight at all! ' is' he offended. As a drummer in a rock band I have always been an exception in a heterosexual world. On the Internet there are some ugly things said about me, but I actually think that the rest of the band at least as often queer / gay / fag / niece is named as me haha! In interviews with the Hitkrant example, I have always been honest, because I used to own a pretty cool 'role model' could have used. What is your mind? The coming out with my older brother, I found the hardest. He made some lame gay jokes and my parents found it uncomfortable that he did not know it, so I got a deadline of my mother. You can wait forever at the right time, but that never comes so suddenly I popped it out. His response: "Oh, ok." I still find the best reaction that exists.