Goede middag Johan,
Zoals telefonisch afgesproken, hierna de link naar de website van Chattanooga
met de Tens-module (Intelect Tens S 77598) zoals wij ze hier reeds jaren voor
onze patiëntjes gebruiken.
De homepage is www.chattgroup.com
Specifiek voor Japan, zijn er verdelers te vinden op deze link:
Ik hoop je hiermee verder geholpen te hebben, maar moest er meer info nodig zi
jn, aarzel vooral niet.
Beste groet en fijn weekend,
Good afternoon, JohanAs agreed by telephone, hereinafter referred to as the link to the website of Chattanooga with the Tens-module (Electronics Tens S 77598) as we already years for them here use our patients.https://www.djoglobal.com/products/chattanooga/intelect-tens-standardThe homepage is www.chattgroup.comSpecific to Japan, there are dealers can be found at this link:https://www.djoglobal.com/customer-care/worldwide-contactsI hope to have helped you with this further, but there had to be more info needed ziJN, don't hesitate.Best regards and nice weekend,Danny

Good afternoon Johan,
As agreed, hereinafter referred to as the link to the website of Chattanooga
with the Tens-module (Intelect Tens S 77598) as we already years here they use for
our patients.
Specifiek https://www.djoglobal.com/products/chattanooga/intelect-tens-standard
De homepage is for Japan,There are distributors are to be found on this link:
Ik do you hope to continue to have helped, but there was need more info zi
jn, feel free.
Best regards and nice weekend,