We hebben de data bekeken en we missen nog de gegevens van Amsterdam.I翻訳 - We hebben de data bekeken en we missen nog de gegevens van Amsterdam.I英語言う方法

We hebben de data bekeken en we mis

We hebben de data bekeken en we missen nog de gegevens van Amsterdam.

In de bijgevoegde slide zien jullie de data voor de temperatuurrecorder die buiten aan de doos bevestigd geweest is.

Box A en B was een keep cool zending

Box C was room temperature.

Volgens de grafiek lijkt het nu dat geen enkele doos op keep cool gestockeerd geweest is tijdens hun transit in Amsterdam, wat eigenlijk wel het geval had moeten zijn voor doos A en B.

Gelieve ons zo vlug mogelijk door te geven waar de dozen gestaan hebben in Amsterdam want Japan wacht op onze feedback ;-)

Dank bij voorbaat.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
We have looked at the data and we are still missing the details of Amsterdam.In the attached slide you see the dates for the temperature recorder outside to the box has been confirmed. Box A and B was a keep cool shipment Box C was room temperature. According to the graph it seems now that no single box on keep cool has been stored during their transit in Amsterdam, which actually had to box A and B. Please inform us as soon as possible where the boxes have been in Amsterdam because Japan is waiting for our feedback;-)Thanks in advance.With best regards,Carry
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
We have looked at the data and we still miss the details of Amsterdam.

In the accompanying slide show you the data for temperature recorder has been confirmed outside the box.

Box A and B was a keepcool mission

Box C was room temperature.

According to the graph it seems that not a single case has been to keep cool stored during their transit in Amsterdam, which actually should have been the case for channel A and B. Please give us as soon as possible where the boxes have been in Amsterdam because Japan is waiting for our feedback ;-) Thank you. Sincerely, Carry

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
we have a look at the data and we still miss the data of amsterdam.in the accompanying slide you see the data for the temperatuurrecorder outside the box has been confirmed.box a and b was a keep cool consignmentbox c was room temperature.according to the graph, it seems that no box to keep cool is stored during their transit in amsterdam, which is actually the case had to box a and b.please give us as soon as possible to the boxes have been in amsterdam because japan is waiting for our feedback; -)thank you in advance.with kind regards,carry
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