Uw boeking (nog niet bevestigd) Golfbaan burggolf purmerend westerweg 翻訳 - Uw boeking (nog niet bevestigd) Golfbaan burggolf purmerend westerweg 英語言う方法

Uw boeking (nog niet bevestigd) Gol

Uw boeking (nog niet bevestigd)


burggolf purmerend

westerweg 60

1445 ad purmerend


zaterdag 8 augustus


07:50 Vanaf rood - blauw

18 Holes


Golfer 1

Dhr. a okazaki

Golfer 2

selecteer een medespeler...

Golfer 3

selecteer een medespeler...

Door op de onderstaande link te klikken gaat u akkoord met de algemene voorwaarden van intogolf bv en de voorwaarden en regels die door de golfbaan worden gehanteerd.
Indien u nog niet bekend bent bij de golfbaan worden alleen uw naam en telefoonnummer aan de golfbaan worden doorgegeven. In het geval van no show zullen op verzoek ook uw adresgegevens worden doorgegeven.

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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
Your booking (not yet confirmed) Golf course burggolf purmerend westerweg 60 1445 ad purmerend Date Saturday 8 AugustStart time 07:50 From red-blue 18 Holes Golfers: Golfer 1 Mr a okazaki Golfer 2 Select a player ...Golfer 3 Select a player ... By clicking on the link below you agree to the terms and conditions of intogolf bv and the conditions and rules laid down by the golf course. If you are not yet familiar with the golf course, only your name and phone number to the golf course. In the case of no show will also request your address data to be shared. return to the start lists ...confirm this booking ...
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]

Booking (not yet confirmed) Course BurgGolf purmerend Westerweg 60 1445 ad purmerend Date Saturday, August 8 Start time 07:50 From red - blue 18 Holes Golfers: 1 Golfer Mr. a okazaki Golfer 2 Select a player ... Golfer 3 Select a player ... By clicking on the link below, you agree to the terms of intogolf and the conditions and rules used by the golf course. If you do are not familiar with the golf course, only your name and telephone number are passed on to the golf course. In case of no show will also request your address be passed on. Go back to the start lists ... confirm reservation ...

結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]

Your booking (not yet confirmed)

Golf Course


westerweg purmerend 60

1445 ad purmerend


saturday, August 8

Start Time

07:50 AM From red - blue

18 Hole


Mr a

Golfer 1 Golfer 2


select an actor ...

Golfer 3

select an actor ...

By clicking on the link below, you agree to the general conditions of intogolf bv and the conditions and rules that are used by the golf course.
If you are not yet registered with the golf course are only your name and phone number to the golf course. In the case of no show will be passed at the request also your address.

Go back to the startlijsten ...

confirm this booking ...

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