Verzending van elektronische kopieen van uw aanslagen/beschikkingen de belastingdienst heeft met ingang van heden de verzending van elektronische kopieen van uw (naheffings) aanslagen / beschikkingen inkomstenbelasting en /of vermogensbelasting aan uw belastingconsulent beeindigd.
Transmission of electronic copies of your attacks/decisionsthe IRS as of present the transmission of electronic copies of your decisions (Mr) attacks/income tax and/or capital gains tax to your tax consultant ended.
Send electronic copies of your attacks / decisions to the tax authorities as of today the transmission of electronic copies of your (naheffings) attacks / Decisions income and / or capital gains tax on your tax consultant ended.
Dispatch of electronic copies of your attacks/decisions the tax authorities, as of today's date the dispatch of electronic copies of your (naheffings) stops / decisions income tax and/or capital to your tax agent terminated.