ToelichtingBij brief van 8 september 2009 heeft de voorzitter van de c翻訳 - ToelichtingBij brief van 8 september 2009 heeft de voorzitter van de c英語言う方法

ToelichtingBij brief van 8 septembe

Bij brief van 8 september 2009 heeft de voorzitter van de commissie van onderzoek
besluitvorming Irak, de heer mr. W.J.M. Davids, te kennen gegeven dat het voor de commissie
niet mogelijk zal zijn om voor op of de aangekondigde datum van 1 november
2009 haar eindrapport aan te bieden (zie ook Kamerstukken II, 2009-2010, 31 847, nr. 13).
In zijn brief noemt de heer Davids 15 januari 2010 als uiterlijke datum. Inmiddels is bekend
geworden dat de commissie haar eindrapport op 12 januari 2010 zal presenteren.
In verband met dit uitstel en de werkzaamheden die na de aanbieding van het eindrapport
nog moeten worden verricht, wordt in dit besluit geregeld dat het Instellingsbesluit
commissie van onderzoek besluitvorming Irak per 1 maart 2010 zal vervallen.
De Minister-President,
Minister van Algemene Zaken
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結果 (英語) 1: [コピー]
NotesBy letter of 8 september 2009 the President of the Commission of inquirydecision making Iraq, Mr. w.j.m. Davids, indicated that the Commissionwill not be possible to for on or the announced date of 1 november2009 to offer its final report (see also papers II, 2009-2010, 31 847, no. 13).In his letter Mr. Davids 15 January 2010 and outer date. It is now knownthat the Commission's final report will present on January 12, 2010.Related to this delay and the work after the offer of the final reportstill to be carried out, this decision that the relevant constituent instrumentCommission of inquiry decision making Iraq per 1 March 2010 will expire.The Prime Minister,Minister of General Affairs
結果 (英語) 2:[コピー]
In a letter dated September 8, 2009, the Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry
decision-Iraq, mr. WJM Davids, indicated that the commission
will not be possible for whether the announced date of 1 November
2009 its final report to offer (see II, 2009-2010, 31 847, no. 13).
In his letter cites Mr. David January 15, 2010 as a final date. It is now known
that the committee made ​​its final report will be presented on January 12, 2010.
Due to this delay and the work after the presentation of the final report
still to be made ​​is governed in its decision that the Decree establishing the
Commission of Inquiry decision by Iraq March 1, 2010 will expire.
The Prime Minister,
Minister of General Affairs
結果 (英語) 3:[コピー]
By letter of september 8, 2009 has the president of the commission of investigation
decision making Iraq, Mr mr. W.J. M. Davids, indicated that the Commission will not be possible to provide for
on whether the announced date of 1 november
2009 its final report to offer (see also Lower House II, 2009-2010, 31 847, no 13) .
In his letter, Mr Davids January 15, 2010 as deadline. Now it is known that the commission
become its final report will present on January 12, 2010.
In connection with this postponement and the work after the offer of the final report
still to be carried out, in this decision that the relevant constituent instrument does
Commission of inquiry decision-making Iraq will expire on 1 March 2010.
The Prime Minister ,
Minister of General Affairs
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