Met de achtste opeenvolgende zege heeft PSV de beste seizoensreeks van Ajax geëvenaard en zich nog nadrukkelijker gekandideerd voor de tweede plaats, die recht geeft op een plaats in de voorronde van de Champions League.
With the eighth consecutive win matched the best Ajax PSV has seizoensreeks and gekandideerd for the second place still more emphatically, entitling to a place in the preliminary round of the Champions League.
With the eighth consecutive win PSV has the best season series Ajax equaled and still more emphatically gekandideerd for second place, which entitles them to a place in the qualifying round of the Champions League.
With the eighth consecutive victory has the best seizoensreeks PSF of Ajax match and is even more emphatically gekandideerd for the second place, which give a right to a place in the qualifying round of the Champions League.